“And may these words that I have prayed in the presence of the Lord be before Him constantly, day and night, so that the Lord our God may give justice to me and to his people Israel, according to each day’s needs.”
1 Kings 8:59
Anyone who shouts gets people’s attention. So, when Solomon stood up from prayer and began speaking in a loud voice, the congregation of Israel heard blessings loud and clear. When we look closely at the list of those blessings the king pronounced that day, no wonder he spoke with excitement!
Solomon declared that not one word of God’s promises to their ancestors had failed, and the list of future blessings would all flow from the same relationship. May God be with us, may He never leave us or abandon us, and may He give us the desire to obey His law (so they could stay in relationship). Solomon also added, may God continually remember His prayers and take care of the people according to each day’s needs. All these blessings would be the inevitable result of relationship—GOD with them—EVERY day!
When Solomon declared, “May the Lord be with us,” he added, “…as He was with our ancestors.” Didn’t God provide manna every day in the wilderness? Didn’t He provide a cloud by day and fire by night? No matter how many generations have passed since then, relationship with God has not changed. He is still the same God and HIS blessings are still given according to each day’s needs!
So, no matter what kind of manna you need, expect it daily!