Christmas Series - "God With Us...Really?"

“What’s happening to our world?” We hear too much prejudice and witness too many shootings. Everywhere we turn, people are using their words to blast each other instead of using their hearts to listen to each other.
Jesus came to this world as Immanuel—GOD with us. However, does it look like He’s still with us? The environment struggles and everyone fears the next disaster. Covid is relentless, depression is rampant, and hopelessness is blanketing the earth like a plague. Is God with us, really?
And what about our churches—why have so many people left? Did those looking for God find jealously and selfishness instead? Did they find programs rather than Presence?
However, the mess around us today has no resemblance to GOD’s character. He doesn’t dwell in the world’s evil—God dwells IN people, in those who are HIS kids! From the time Jesus left the Holy Spirit to dwell IN His disciples, He tagged US—we are “it!” The ones who house God’s presence are the ones to BE His presence in this world!
But what if God’s kids gripe more than they pray, or voice opinions more than they listen? What if they spend time fighting for rights but have no time for binding up wounds? Then, how would GOD ever be seen?
So, if you claim to be GOD’s child today, please ask yourself, can people SEE God in my actions? Can they HEAR God in my words? Can they FEEL God’s grace and peace in my attitude toward them?
It’s time to SHOW the world God IS with us…really!