"So different from our dreams,
Oh, can this be God's plan?
So different from our dreams,
Is this the Father's hand?
It's hard to see the reason for the manger and the hay,
But we thank You, God in heaven,
For Your provision for this day."
Song from “Luke’s Christmas” Musical - Composer, Noel Wilson - Lyrics, Ruth Wilson

When I first sang this song in 1977, I had no idea the impact its message would have on my life. Joseph and Mary had certainly dreamed of providing the perfect setting for their Son’s arrival, but when they laid Baby Jesus in a manger of hay, they must have wondered, “Why? This is NOT what we planned!”
I remember vividly thinking the same thing when someone offered Ron and me a house, but it was in a city we never wanted to live, and at a time we did not want to buy. However, the morning after we received the offer, the words of this song broke into my mind as clear as day, twenty-six years later!
Before moving to India, Ron and I had pictured planting another international church like the one in Nairobi. However, within a short time, visa issues forced us to leave the country! Months later when a proper visa was finally granted, it simply gave us permission to start a business, not plant a church! We asked the same question, "How can THIS be God’s plan?" Yet, sometime later we realized that the unexpected door GOD had opened for Ron to get his doctorate in Leadership, ended up giving him abundant opportunities in the business community of Mumbai…exactly what GOD intended!
Yes, we have often walked down paths so different from our dreams. But, with each different experience, God reminded us that even if we cannot understand His plans, we can still thank Him for HIS provisions!
So in 2021, when you see no reason whatsoever for the manger and hay in your life, just remember that not one piece of that straw is a surprise to Your Heavenly Father. HIS plans may be different than YOUR dreams, but HIS provisions are always the best!
Besides, God already proved that HE can bring glory from a manger of hay!