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Writer's picture: Wanda SommersWanda Sommers

At the same time the leading priests and elders were meeting at the residence of Caiaphas, the high priest, plotting how to capture Jesus secretly and kill him…Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany…a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume and poured it over his head...” Matthew 26-27

As the religious leaders plotted to kill Jesus, meanwhile He was being anointed for burial. As Jesus was arrested, meanwhile Peter followed at a distance. As angry leaders interrogated Jesus, meanwhile Peter denied Jesus. As the angry mob demanded His crucifixion, meanwhile Jesus stood quietly.

The battle between good and evil has raged since creation, but Jesus showed us the godly way to fight, especially when the battle is the fiercest.

In the Upper Room – While facing the toughest night of His life, meanwhile Jesus washed the feet of a betrayer, a denier, and all twelve disciples, knowing they would all soon desert Him.

In the Garden – While Judas and religious leaders organized for His arrest, meanwhile Jesus prayed.

On the Cross – While the thief asked for mercy, the Roman soldier pondered who He was, and the religious leaders mocked, meanwhile Jesus opened His arms to EVERYONE!

In the Tomb – While His enemies rejoiced and His disciples mourned, meanwhile Jesus defeated death once and for ALL!

So, today as evil threatens to destroy our worldMEANWHILE, let’s fight Jesus’ style!

When friends are wallowing in life’s filthy mud—Wash their souls with grace and truth!

When another hellhole is forming in the neighborhood—Make it a garden of prayer!

When despair is spreading everywhere—Open our arms to EVERYONE!


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