“If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.”
Matthew 10:38-39 NLT
When Jesus gave the two most difficult instructions at the same time, He already knew about the cross He would bear and the life it would give us. But He also knew that miracles of the cross could never happen unless He passed through Gethsemane. There the meeting of wills would take place. There with “Not My will, but Yours,” Jesus would give up His life so we could find ours!
Sometimes the enemy tricks us into thinking the cross is a negative burden that ties us to a life we don’t want. In 2010 I was struggling about being a pastor’s wife, so God and I had our own meeting of wills. Like a child who won’t let go of their favorite toy, I desperately tried to hang on to the control of MY life, that is until I remembered my Savior’s example.
When Jesus opened His arms of surrender on the cross, GOD opened the door of relationship to me. Just as the veil in the Temple was torn from the Top, likewise miracles will tear through my temple from the Top—when I take up my cross and give up my life!
The meeting of the wills is part of life for everyone.
But the joy of relationship is also for everyone—
IF we choose not OUR will, but HIS!