“Come and Take”
“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you…”
Matthew 11:28-29
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be near Jesus. And yet at the same time I was always anxious to go and do. At seven years of age, I wanted to go to Africa, and I pursued that goal until we landed there twenty-six year later. I was always driven to go to people who had never met my Jesus and do everything I could to show Him to them!
However, that going often wore me out because my doing motor was constantly running, and it was powered by my need to control. Controlling and doing seem to go together, and neither of them leave room for rest. Doers and controllers are constantly weary because they carry heavy burdens.
No wonder the Shepherd reminded me of Matthew 11:28 at the beginning of this year when I had worn myself out and was immobilized for two months. However, this time I heard Jesus specifically address ME, the one who was weary of doing, the one who carried the heavy burden of control. Yet in the middle of my weariness, Jesus used the most tender word—COME, which literally means move toward. So, to this worn-out lady, Jesus beckoned, “Come, move toward ME…and I will give you rest!”
Amazing—JESUS would give me rest! I have always believed that promise, and therefore have come to Him more times than I can count. However, this time I noticed the secret to the rest Jesus offered was encapsuled in His next words—"Take My yoke upon you!” If I insist on being the one in control, and if I keep on doing more than HE assigns, then I will be weary and carry heavy burdens for the rest of my life! The only way to experience true rest is to not only COME to Jesus, but to also TAKE His yoke.
REST is found inside His YOKE!
How? A few verses before, Jesus had said that truth was revealed to the childlike (v 25). Children know there’s not a lot they can do by themselves. Children know they need help! But do I? Do I know I NEED His yoke?
When I take His yoke, my pride stops screaming for control and I rest in the security of His Presence. When I take His yoke, HIS strength bears the heavy loads. When I take His yoke, Jesus apportions my load according to my ability. HE “…won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on me!” (v 29-The Message)
I have made many mistakes in my lifetime, but perhaps the most devastating were the times I wiggled out from under His yoke. Yet Jesus never revoked His invitation, and I know He never will! So, for the rest of my life, I plan to keep on coming to Jesus and keep on taking His yoke!
I will COME—I will TAKE, and I will find REST!