“The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born.”
Psalm 33:6 NLT
God spoke and miracles of new creation appeared! Imagine—the entire universe coming into being at the sound of His Voice! In fact, God’s voice was so powerful—He could simply breathe the word, and miracles were created.
But interestingly, the creation of man was different. Instead of speaking us into being with His voice—God formed us with His hands. Only humans were privileged to have such a personal connection with the Creator. Yet, when He placed within us a free will, God gave us the power to decide if we wanted to continue that connection with Him, a relationship He expected to fill with His miracles.
God never planned for His miracles to end at the Garden gate. The Voice that created the world is still speaking today, but who even hears Him? Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice.” And that powerful Voice wants to continue speaking miracles in our world—through HIS sheep!
In my home Alexa performs many tasks on my behalf. But she has no power of her own—Alexa is simply activated by the sound of my voice. Likewise, I have no power of my own to perform miracles, but I know the Voice that does!
“God, I want to be activated by the sound of Your Voice—
Please perform YOUR miracles through me today!”